
Οργανισμοί Ιατρών  και Επιστημόνων κατά των Πειραματων σε Ζώα

Medical Doctors & Scientists AGAINST Vivisection 


Doctors against animal experiments Germany 


Antidote Europe
Antidote Europe is a scientific body whose principal aim is the realisation and application of biomedical research methods that represent sound science.
Doctors for Animal Welfare in Medicine

The Swiss organisation »Doctors for Animal Welfare in Medicine«, consisting of physicians, veterinary surgeons and dentists, promotes the protection of animals. They especially support the abolition of harmful animal experiments. The website is in German only.

Association of Veterinarians For Animal Rights (AVAR), USA

The AVAR operates under the premise that all nonhuman animals have value and interests independent of the values and interests of other animals, including human beings.

Doctors And Lawyers For Responsible Medicine (DLRM), UK

DLRM is an international organisation with 500 professional members plus supporters calling for the abolition on medical and scientific grounds of all animal experiments in human medical research.

Europeans For Medical Advancement (EFMA), UK

The EFMA provides information and educational material for the public and professional on the scientific invalidity of the animal model in biomedical research.

Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine (PCRM), USA

PCRM is supported by over 5,000 physicians and 100,000 laymen. It promotes preventive medicine through innovative programs.


Οργανισμοί κατά των Πειραμάτων σε Ζώα

Association of Swiss Antivivisectionists

The Swiss umbrella organisation is aiming for an improvement of public health and environment by abolishing animal experiments and promoting natural medical treatment and research methods without the use of animals.

British Union for the Abolition of Vivisection (BUAV), UK

The British organisation is dedicated to abolish all animal experiments.

Djurens Rätt (Animal Rights), Sweden

The largest animal rights organisation in Sweden works against animal experiments and in several other fields of animal rights. The website is mainly in Swedish. An English section informs about the aims and projects of the organisation.

European Coalition to End Animal Experiments

The European Coalition to End Animal Experiments is Europe's leading alliance of animal protection organisations who have come together to campaign for effective and long-lasting change for laboratory animals.
www.endanimalexperiments.org and www.eceae.org

Gaia, Belgium

The Belgian organisation works against animal experiments and several other fields of animal rights. The website is in Dutch and French only.

The International Association Against Painful Experiments on Animals

The International Association Against Painful Experiments on Animals supports and lobbies internationally or the development and adoption of non animal replacement programmes; Searches constantly for new ways to arouse the public and scientific conscience on our relations with animals. It is the only organisation concerned solely with laboratory animals which has consultative status with the United Nations.

International Association of Antivisectionists

Austrian organisation working mainly against animal experiments.


International Network for Humane Education

One Voice, France

The French animal rights organisation campaigns for the rights of animals used for fur, in laboratory tests, in circuses and farms. One Voice promotes respect for all living beings. The website is available both in English and French.

Anti Dierproeven Coalitie

Website of the organisation Anti Dierproeven Coalitie based in Belgium and the Netherlands.

Lega Antivivisezione (LAV), Italy

The Italian organisation is dedicated to abolish animal experiments. The website is partly in English and contains an extensive photo gallery on animal experiments.

Vivisection absurd

English site with lots of information on the medical fraud of animal testing.

Οργανισμοί κατά των πειραμάτων σε ζώα στην Γερμανία

Menschen für Tierrechte – Bundesverband der Tierversuchsgegner e.V. – People for Animal Rights – Federal Association of Antivivisectionists, Germany (BVTVG)

The BVTVG is an umbrella organisation with more than 100 member groups. The internet database on animal experiments is a joint project of the BVTVG and Doctors Against Animal Experiments Germany. The BVTVG is dedicated to establish general rights for the animals. Animal experiments is one of the main topics. The website is in German only.

Menschen für Tierrechte – Tierversuchsgegner Baden-Württemberg e.V. – People for Animal Rights – Antivivisectionists Baden-Württemberg

The umbrella organisation for the Federal State of Baden-Württemberg supports general rights of animals and works against all sorts of animal misuse including animal experiments. The website is in German only.

Menschen für Tierrechte – Tierversuchsgegner Hessen e.V. – People for Animal Rights – Antivivisectionists Hessen

The umbrella organisation for the Federal State of Hesse supports general rights of animals and works against all sorts of animal misuse including animal experiments. The website is in German only.

SATIS – Studentische Arbeitsgruppe gegen Tierversuche im Studium – Students Workshop Against the Misuse of Animals in Higher Education

SATIS is a nationwide working umbrella organisation of students, studying biology, human and veterinary medicine. It supports the conscientious objection of students and aims for the abolition of animal misuse in higher education. The website is in German only.

Tierversuchsgegner Berlin und Brandenburg e.V.

The umbrella organisation for the Federal States of Berlin and Brandenburg works mainly against animal experiments, but is also active in other fields of animal rights. The website is in German only.

Menschen für Tierrechte – Tierversuchsgegner Saar e.V.

The organisation of the Federal State of Saarland supports general rights of animals and works against all sorts of animal misuse including animal experiments. The website is in German only.
www.tvg-saar.de and www.tierlieb.net


Campaign site of the »Animal Rights Group Paderborn« against lab animal breeder Harlan-Winkelmann.


»Abolish animal experiments« contains background information on the contract animal lab Covance in Münster, Germany. The site is run by the Animal Liberators.

3R Links

The Doctors Against Animal Experiments Germany support the total abolition of all animal experiments and do not agree with the aims of the 3R, namely the reduction, refinement and replacement of animal experiments. The 3R concept does not question the animal experiment as a research method, the abolition is not considered. Nevertheless the links to some interesting 3R-relevant websites shall be given here.


The quarterly published journal for new ways in biomedical sciences includes interesting articles on in vitro methods and often also on social-ethical topics. The website contains the table of contents of each magazine plus the abstracts of most articles both in German and English.

ZEBET – Zentralstelle zur Erfassung von Ersatz- und Ergänzungsmethoden zum Tierversuch – Centre for the Registration of Alternative Methods to Animal Experiments

The task of ZEBET is the promotion, development and validation of alternative methods. The internet database of AnimAlt-ZEBET offers detailed information on various in vitro systems and the conventional animal experiment. The establishment of the database was awarded with the research prize 2001 of the Doctors Against Animal Experiments Germany. The website is available both in German and English.
www.bfr.bund.de (ZEBET)
www.dimdi.de (AnimAlt-ZEBET-Database)

In vitro laboratories

Across Barriers GmbH

Across Barriers offers technologies and services on the basis of cell and tissue cultures for pharmaceutical, cosmetic and chemical research and development.

Institute for applied cell culture

The laboratory offers cell culture systems for manufacturers of pharmaceutical, cosmetic and chemical products and biomaterials. Unfortunately the company offers both human and animal cell cultures.


Development of test systems which combines living cells with sensor chip technology for the application in drug development, cancer research and ecotoxicology.

in silico toxicology

Development of test systems which combines living cells with sensor chip technology for the application in drug development, cancer research and ecotoxicology.

Dartsch Scientific GmbH

Cell culture laboratory for the screening of toxic substances and drugs in the area of occupational and environmental medicine, chemistry, pharmacology, toxicology, biocompartibility and product toxicity. Only permanent human and animal cell lines from international cell databases are used which do not require killing of animals.

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blue line image

Recommended Organisations:

a blue dot impersonating a bullet Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine: Group of doctors, physicians and health practitioners promoting good health through real science. http://www.pcrm.org
a blue dot impersonating a bullet Campaign Against Fraudulent Medical Research (CAFMR): Archive of articles. Information that the pharmaceutical-chemical industry do not want us to know: medical history, medical fraud, psychiatric abuses, vaccination damage coverups, behind sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) etc. http://www.pnc.com.au/~cafmr


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